Spring Beginners Photography Workshop - Surrey

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Spring Beginners Photography Workshop - Surrey


A four week fully guided workshop designed to help you learn about your camera and create images you will love. Classes will have a maximum of four participants and will be 2 hours in length. We will be doing our workshop in the Surrey area outdoors in both natural and urban outdoor environments.


Class 1 - Learn about your camera settings and equipment

Class 2 - How to use aperture and depth of field when shooting Landscapes and Portraits

Class 3 - Study the Exposure Triangle and how to use it to get better results

Class 4 - Learn lighting and focus techniques and how to train your creative eye

Instruction will follow with some practical and fun exercises along the way.

At the end of the each class you will submit your favourite images for feedback and suggestions on your photographic journey !

Dates - March & April


Morning - 9:45am to 11:45am - Sunday’s

Evening - 5:30pm to 7:30pm - Thursday’s

Locations options - Cloverdale Rec. Centre, Surrey Art Gallery, Fort Langley

What you need - DSLR Camera (Canon brand is preferred) with charged battery and memory card, basic kit lens or others you have in your kit.

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